Surveys & Projects

Throughout its history the Club has undertaken surveys to document the bird population in our county. A five-year project led to the publication of our standard reference work: The Birds of Herefordshire 2007 – 2012: An Atlas of their breeding and wintering distributions, (Liverpool University Press)
We strongly encourage participation in both our local Club projects as well as the national surveys co-ordinated by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). Current surveys are listed below.

Garden Birdwatch
This is a survey based on weekly records of the birds in your garden. Just count the maximum number of each species seen at any one time during the week, and enter the number on a form. These garden bird records are added to our county database and contribute to both county and national records.
For further information please use our CONTACT FORM - please put Birdwatch as your subject.
Lowland Breeding Curlew Study
HOC are part of the Lowland Curlew Forum a collaboration between several counties to share experience, knowledge and protection methods for this declining species. We are now also working closely with statutory nature agencies and landowners to help protect nesting sites.
For further information please contact Chris Robinson. Email here

Burley Gate Farmland Survey
This project investigates changes in studies the birdlife that have occurred since the 1960s on a farm at Burley Gate.
For further information please contact Mervyn Davies. Email here
BTO Surveys
Members of the Club contribute to surveys coordinated by the BTO, including The Wetland Bird Survey (Webs), The Heronry Census, The Nest Record Scheme and the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). All bird ringing is also licensed by the BTO.
Information on all these may be found on the BTO website or by contacting the Herefordshire BTO Representative. Email here

Nest boxes
HOC, jointly with the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust (HWT), support the use of nest boxes. Currently boxes at 11 HWT reserves and a further 13 sites are monitored. The results are published annually in the Club’s Annual Report.
If you are interested please contact Andrew Nixon, HWT Senior Conservation Manager. Email here
Visible Migration Survey
HOC member Dan Webb has started recording visible migration over Sellack, near Ross-on-Wye, and is keen to encourage others birders to record migrating birds.
Contact Dan by Email.

Bodenham Lake
Hereford Wildlife Trust are managing a major project to create a wildlife reserve at this former gravel pit. The Club has assisted with this by in many ways including providing of a new hide and an Osprey nesting platform. HOC members have also used trail cams to survey the wildlife present.
For further information contact Lugg Living Landscape Project Officer: Email Trevor Hulme .
Sand Martins on the River Wye
HOC members Dan Webb and Andrew Strong have been studying Sand Martins at Sellack on the River Wye. It is also intended to establish the number of breeding colonies along the banks of the Wye river in Herefordshire.
For further information please contact Dan Webb